Vacation Rentals

Vacation Rentals


The Keys have plenty of hotels, motels and resorts, but if you are planning on traveling with a group, you may want to consider a vacation rental. It’s a burgeoning industry that’s gaining in popularity.  Renting a house or bungalow via sites like Air bnb or Home Away is a great option to consider. You’ll have  privacy, parking for boats and water toys, common areas for entertaining, a kitchen, and a more authentic experience. Vacationing with friends or family at a vacation rental can heighten the experience, deepen bonds and create lasting memories. But, if you are considering this option – read on for our valuable tips.

If you are renting a large vacation rental that sleeps several couples, families or friends, be sure to consider the following:

Is the date convenient for your guests?
Is the trip affordable for your guests?
Are the sleeping arrangements equitable?
Do your guests share similar interests and lifestyles?
Will your guests be traveling together or arriving separately?
Do your guests have physical limitations or dietary restrictions?
Should this be a family-friendly or adults-only trip?

After you’ve determined who should be invited and researched available properties, invite your guests to an informal planning session. Together, decide on a date and property and plan an itinerary. Look up local attractions, bars and restaurants.  Agree on several options and inquire about advance reservations, deposits or tickets that may be required.
Be open to compromise, and intuitive if a guest voices concerns or exhibits anxiety about an activity. Consider alternate activities for a guest who may not be comfortable booking an off-shore fishing charter in rough seas or a strenuous kayaking trip.

If you are the host, plan a casual first night. Anticipate road-weary travelers and over-tired children.  As the host, you should arrange to arrive a couple of hours ahead of your guests. Give yourself time to prepare and greet your guests cocktails and take-out  fried chicken or a couple of pizzas. Allow your guests time to settle in, unwind and unpack. So the parents can relax, allow children to camp out in one of the bedrooms with a video.

Make the first meal of every day an easy grab-and-go affair. Provide your guests with gourmet coffee, bagels, cream cheese, cereal, granola and fresh fruit. Let guests sleep-in and save their time, money and calories for more important meals. Early-risers and exercisers can do their thing while other guests sleep in.

Realize that young couples, older guests and parents may want some alone time. Provide all guests with their own set of keys, so they can come and go as they please. Plan a time when everyone can regroup for dinner or a shared outing.

Prepare for inclement weather. If a coveted fishing charter is cancelled, have fun options at the ready. An unexpected trip to a bowling alley, or  shopping trip can save the day.

Encourage guests to drink responsibly. Stock the home with light beer and wine, avoid stronger libations and drinking games.
Suggest nearby bars and nightclubs that guests can walk to or use a ride-share service like Uber.
Plan to serve dinner or go to a nearby restaurant before guests visit local bars or nightclubs.
Realize that guest exposed to, extreme heat and humidity or strenuous exercise will have a lower tolerance for alcohol.
Ask all guests if they are proficient swimmers before engaging in water activities.
Supervise children at all times when they are around swimming pools, hot tubs, bodies of water, fire-pits, barbeques and unfamiliar pets.

Document your entire experience with photos and videos. Don’t forget to take candid pictures of your guests when they are not posing for the camera, the meals you prepare and the exterior and interior of your vacation home. NEVER post photos of your trip to social media sites while you are on your trip. Wait, and share your photos and memories at a post-trip get together.