Spring Break 101 – in the Florida Keys

Spring Break 101 – in the Florida Keys

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  • Post category:DINE


Considering spending Spring Break in the Florida Keys?
The Keys have hundreds of hotels, motels and resorts, but for an epic Spring Break experience, an Air BnB, HomeAway or VRBO  vacation rental is the way to go. Why book several rooms at a hotel, when you can book an entire house for less money?

Consider the benefits:
Private decks, porches, patios, pools and hot-tubs for late-night partying.
A fully equipped kitchen, outdoor grill and full-sized refrigerator.
No annoying check-out times.
Safer private parking for several cars, boats and water-toys.

Before you book a vacation rental that sleeps several friends consider the following:
Are the sleeping arrangements equitable for all guests? Determine sleeping arrangements in advance and share the costs accordingly. A guest sleeping on a couch or blow-up mattress shouldn’t pay as much as one with a guaranteed private room.
Will your guests be traveling together or arriving separately?  Plan to stay at the vacation rental until all of your guests have arrived and settled in.

Pre-plan your trip:
Prior to the trip, get together with everyone and plan an informal itinerary. Together, look up local attractions, bars and restaurants.  Agree on several options and inquire about costs, reservations, deposits or tickets that may be required. Make sure everyone is on-board – keep in mind that some of your guests may be afraid of the water and will be uncomfortable on snorkeling, sailing, kayaking or fishing trips.

Plan a Slow start:
If you are the host, plan a casual first night. Anticipate road-weary travelers. Try to arrive an hour or so before everyone else. Greet your your guests with cocktails and take-out  or pizza. Give your guests time to settle in, unwind and unpack.

Bring Coffee, Bagels, Cream Cheese, Eggs and Bacon:
Make the first meal of every day an easy grab-and-go affair, coffee, bagels, scrambled eggs, etc. Let your friends sleep-in and save their time and money for more important meals.

Prepare to Break-up:
Realize that couples and other guests may want some alone time. Allow guests to do their own thing, and come and go as they please. Plan a time when everyone can regroup and do something together.

Have a Plan B:
Prepare for inclement weather. If a coveted fishing, kayaking, dive or snorkel charter is cancelled, have options at the ready. Encourage guests to bring roller-blades, running shoes, work-out gear, video games, a basketball etc. Strong winds and high seas are common in the keys…but a plan B poker game, bowling excursion, movie, neighborhood walk-jog-bike-skate excursion and cook-out are great alternatives.

Be Safe:
Encourage guests to drink responsibly. Stock the house with beer and wine and avoid hard liquor, shots and drinking games. The heat, and humidity of the keys lowers everyone’s tolerance for alcohol. Suggest nearby bars and nightclubs that guests can walk to or use a ride-share service like Uber. Take plenty of photos and videos…but remind your friends not to post them on social media until they get home. Don’t announce to the world (and your boss) that you are out of town partying.