Watch the Netflix series Bloodline…about the keys

Watch the Netflix series Bloodline…about the keys

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Bloodline is a spellbinding story that gives viewers a tantalizing glimpse of the keys. It was filmed entirely on location and showcases the keys scenic beauty and laid-back lifestyle. Like the keys themselves, this show moves at an intentionally slow pace, taking the time to richly develop the characters, with the islands themselves playing a lead role.

Keys residents agree that Netflix really did their homework. The interpretation is pretty spot-on. The story mirrors the lives of many multi-generational families that have etched out their legacy from hard-scrabble beginnings. The costumes, weathered makeup, boats and depiction of the locals are all right, but to the dismay of the locals they consistently got the mile markers wrong.

I’m a big fan of the Oscar winning movie “CastAway” starring Tom Hanks…ingenious in it’s lack of an accompanying soundtrack (Bet you didn’t know that). Bloodline has a subtle soundtrack that darkens and deepens the intrigue, but often lets the sound of the rain, cicadas, rustling palms and sea organically set the mood.

If you’re planning a trip to keys sometime in the future, peek behind the palms, in this dark, gritty and binge-worthy series.